Your trusted Masonry Partner

Your Masonry Experts for Over 40 Years.

Your Local Masonry Contractor In Park Ridge, IL

Brick and Masonry building restoration has been our aim for more than 30 years. We have been a trusted contractor in Park Ridge, IL for tuckpointing, brick repair, window replacement, and other masonry restoration projects.

Craftsmanship that is second to none and a level of service you’ll love, we are proud to offer practical and beautiful solutions to property managers, condominium associations, business owners, and homeowners all across Park Ridge, IL.

At North Shore Brickwork & Windows, we love what we do, and only hire employees and contractors who are as passionate as we are when it comes to building restoration and brick/masonry repairs.

Our residential and commercial services include, but are not limited to:

Services Offered

  • Tuckpointing
  • All Types of Masonry Repairs
  • Chimney Rebuilding
  • Chimney Repairs
  • Water Sealant/Caulking Project
  • Lintel Repairs/Replacement
  • Vinyl Window Replacement
  • Masonry Stain Removal
  • Parapet Wall Rebuild and Repair
  • Window and Masonry Caulking
  • City Violation Remedies
  • Facade Inspections and Scaffolding

Recent Jobs and Reviews in Park Ridge, IL

Job Locations

Zac O.
Zac O.
Window tuckpointing repair in Park Ridge, thank you for the opportunity to solve your leak. North Shore is on the way!
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Park Ridge, IL - Window tuckpointing repair in Park Ridge, thank you for the opportunity to solve your leak. North Shore is on the way!
Miguel R.
Miguel R.
Replacement of caulking and apply brick sealear call NSBW for any restoration or masonry repairs
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Park Ridge, IL - Replacement of caulking and apply  brick sealear call NSBW for  any restoration or masonry repairs
Park Ridge, IL - Replacement of caulking and apply  brick sealear call NSBW for  any restoration or masonry repairs
Miguel R.
Miguel R.
Another job done by NSBW call for new construction projects or repairs
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Park Ridge, IL - Another job done by NSBW call for new construction projects or repairs
Park Ridge, IL - Another job done by NSBW call for new construction projects or repairs
Miguel R.
Miguel R.
Another customer satisfied call NSBW for new construction or repairs call for a quote
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Park Ridge, IL - Another customer satisfied call NSBW for new construction or repairs call for a quote
Park Ridge, IL - Another customer satisfied call NSBW for new construction or repairs call for a quote
Miguel R.
Miguel R.
Quality service on tuckpointing make your home beautiful NSBW again call
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Park Ridge, IL - Quality service on tuckpointing make your home beautiful NSBW again call
Miguel R.
Miguel R.
Another job done by NSBW call for any masonry needs
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Park Ridge, IL - Another job done by NSBW call for any masonry needs
Miguel R.
Miguel R.
They call us to make a makeover to this house will keep you updated call us for any masonry repairs or restoration
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Park Ridge, IL - They call us  to make a makeover to this house will keep you updated call us for any masonry repairs or restoration
Tim H.
Tim H.
Chimney Tuckpointing brickwork water infiltration resolved
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Park Ridge, IL - Chimney Tuckpointing brickwork water infiltration resolved
Tim H.
Tim H.
Chimney Tuckpointing
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Park Ridge, IL - Chimney Tuckpointing
Philip O.
Philip O.
Stucco hiding a rusted lintel. Need to open up and reflash.
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Park Ridge, IL - Stucco hiding a rusted lintel. Need to open up and reflash.
Philip O.
Philip O.
Chimney estimate for tuckpointing, power washing, and sealing.
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Park Ridge, IL - Chimney estimate for tuckpointing, power washing, and sealing.
Philip O.
Philip O.
Painted brick
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Park Ridge, IL - Painted brick
Tim H.
Tim H.
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Park Ridge, IL - Tuckpointing
Philip O.
Philip O.
Stone paver project.
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Park Ridge, IL - Stone paver project.
Philip O.
Philip O.
Chimney work and tuckpointing.
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Park Ridge, IL - Chimney work and tuckpointing.
Jaye S.
Jaye S.
Inspecting a home in Park Ridge, IL for tuckpointing work and power washing of the home.
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Park Ridge, IL - Inspecting a home in Park Ridge, IL for tuckpointing work and power washing of the home.
Philip O.
Philip O.
Rebuilding a brick masonry wall that never was built correctly at construction. Using steel lintels, brick ties, and the proper mortar will guarantee this masonry repair is the last time this homeowner will ever have to do.
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Park Ridge, IL - Rebuilding a brick masonry wall that never was built correctly at construction. Using steel lintels, brick ties, and the proper mortar will guarantee this masonry repair is the last time this homeowner will ever have to do.
Philip O.
Philip O.
Cracks in brickwork are usually caused by: Settlement Issues, water infiltration, or lintel deterioration. Stop all three to avoid cracking. Tuckpointing and brick replacement is now needed here.
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Park Ridge, IL - Cracks in brickwork are usually caused by: Settlement Issues, water infiltration, or lintel deterioration. Stop all three to avoid cracking. Tuckpointing and brick replacement is now needed here.
Philip O.
Philip O.
Ouch! When lintels rust you basically need to open to expose it and reflash it with membrane and add weeps. Here on an estimate for a new homeowner that needs this type of lintel replacement along with some spot tuckpointing around the house. Especially the limestone window sill joints. They are all open and taking on moisture.
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Park Ridge, IL - Ouch!  When lintels rust you basically need to open to expose it and reflash it with membrane and add weeps. Here on an estimate for a new homeowner that needs this type of lintel replacement along with some spot tuckpointing around the house. Especially the limestone window sill joints. They are all open and taking on moisture.
Austin  K.
Austin K.
Replace all deteriorated bricks as needed. Repair all visible cracks. Spot grinding and tuckpointing as needed. Mortar color to match existing as close as possible. Repair caulk joints as needed (cut out old caulk, clean same joints, apply primer, re-caulk with NP1 masonry caulk).
Park Ridge, IL 60068